The code is a simple Hello IOIO with a scrollbar to control the temperature of the
Peltier. We control the temperature by using a PWM pin (I used 34) to turn the
MOSFET on and off.
public class GlassHeatMain extends IOIOActivity
implements OnSeekBarChangeListener{
private static final String TAG = "HeatGlassMain";
//Peltier controls
private final int mOutHeatPin = 34; //This pin can serve as PWM output
private final int mPWMFreq = 100; //The frequency of the PWM signal
private final int POLLING_DELAY = 150; //Wait this lont to update the signal
private final int MULTIPLIER = 100;
//HeatBar UI
private SeekBar mHeatBar;
private int mHeatValue;
private TextView mHeatText;
private long mLastChange;
This first part is the basic setup. Start a pin (34 in this case) to be a PWM
output and the variables that we will be using.
We also set up a scrollbar to control the PWM output.
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
mHeatText = (TextView) findViewById(;
mHeatBar = (SeekBar) findViewById(;
Again, basic UI setup.
protected void onStart() {
protected void onStop() {
These methods control the
Activity Lifecycle
class Looper extends BaseIOIOLooper {
private PwmOutput mHeatPWM;
protected void setup() throws ConnectionLostException {
mHeatPWM = ioio_.openPwmOutput(mOutHeatPin, mPWMFreq);
Here we actually tell the IOIO board to set the pint as
PWM output.
public void loop() throws ConnectionLostException {
try {
mHeatValue = mHeatBar.getProgress();
Log.i(TAG, "setPulseWidth: "+ mHeatValue*MULTIPLIER);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
In the loop we constantly check for the value of the ScrollBar and send that value
to the pin to control the Peltier.
The ScrollBar value is multiplied by the MULTIPLIER. I found that I had to do this
so that the heat on the Peltier was actually noticeable within the values of the
Finally the thread sleeps for 100 milliseconds before looping again.
protected IOIOLooper createIOIOLooper() {
return new Looper();
public void onStartTrackingTouch(SeekBar seekBar) {
mLastChange = System.currentTimeMillis();
Set the initial value of the MLastChange variable to the current time.
public void onProgressChanged(SeekBar seekBar, int prog, boolean fromUser) {
if (System.currentTimeMillis() - mLastChange > POLLING_DELAY) {
mLastChange = System.currentTimeMillis();
Compare the time elapsed since last check with the POLLING_DELAY variable. If the
elapsed time is more than the POLLING_DELAY then reset then go to the handleHeat()
method and reset the mLastChange variable for the next comparison.
public void onStopTrackingTouch(SeekBar seekBar) {
Also go to the handleHeat() method if the user has stopped touching the ScrollBar.
private void handleHeat(final SeekBar seekBar){
mHeatValue = seekBar.getProgress();
mHeatText.setText("Heat Value: " + mHeatValue*MULTIPLIER);
The method that updates the mHeatValue variable with the value on the ScrollBar
and also updates the text on the UI.